'Friends of Pilgrims' School' (FOPS) was established in December 2013 to provide valuable support to the school and the local community.
The group voluntarily contributes their time to plan events and create opportunities to raise funds to make a positive impact on the lives of our children and the wider community. The group also provides a good opportunity to meet other parents in a more social setting and share ideas of how we can further benefit the School.
We meet regularly with the senior members of the School to establish their objectives and goals and the group may also be consulted on changes to school policies and other matters where parental involvement and ideas are valued.
All parents are automatically members of the FOPS Group when their child starts Pilgrims' Cross School and are welcome to contribute as little or as much as they are able.
The FOPS team meets monthly, so please get in touch and come along to a meeting at friendspilgrimscross@gmail.com
The Friends group is a member of PTA UK and endeavour to work in partnership with the Picket Twenty Community Association: